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What is Kombucha?

Go on then.. what on earth is this stuff??

Kombucha is a fermented drink made from green tea, cane sugar and a live culture called a Kombucha ‘SCOBY’ (Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeast).  This colony grows on top of the beverage as it ferments, making Kombucha a very unique and tasty drink! These naturally occurring organic acids along with vitamins, antioxidants, live bacteria and enzymes, have given Kombucha a well-deserved reputation for working wonders on the mind and body. We always use certified organic ingredients and keep our Kombucha raw and unpasteurised, we don’t like our bottles to contain any nasties! At the end of the day, the more good stuff we put into our body, the more we get out of Life.

Kombucha is known for its beneficial properties and many people are seeking out healthy and conscious food and drink choices today. Kombucha is versatile and can be enjoyed as a simple and natural energy boosting drink, it can be added to smoothies, your favourite alcoholic beverages as a mixer and even in cooking as a marinade or in raw soups. Check out our blog for some ideas.

We brew our Kombucha with green tea for its antioxidant properties but it can be brewed with any type of tea you like. Other natural ingredients or juices can also be added to create variation and taste though unflavoured Kombucha is also  delicious! If you manage to get hold of a SCOBY, experiment with making your own Kombucha – we would love to hear your stories!

Maar... Wat is Kombucha nu eigenlijk?

Maar... Wat is Kombucha nu eigenlijk?

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Fancy a healthier soft drink? Why not create your own pack of any flavour combinations or one of our multipacks.